Day by Day Kids Bible
Monday - 2 Kings 15:17-35, Isaiah 6,2 Chronicles 27:1-6, Micah 1:1-9, 16
Tuesday - Micah 4:6-7: 5:2,4-5: 6:6-13; 7: 7-8, 10, 16-20
Thursday - 2 Kings 15:29; 16:1, 4-5; Isaiah 7:2-19, 23-25
Friday - Isaiah 8:1-8, 11-14, 18-20; Isaiah 9:1-7; Isaiah 10:5-27
Agatha Christie - Peril at End House
Chapters 4 -8 I had planned to only read through chapter 7 this week but after pleas of please, please read one more chapter, I read another one.
Gamequarium Math Videos
Monday - Hip Hop Math Tables (9's)
Tuesday - Three is a Magic Number
Thursday - Naughty Number Nine
Friday - Lucky Seven
Field Trip
One Saturday we went to the Riverfest Wildlife Shows with friends and had a great time.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Great Illustrated Classics)
My Audio School
Ancients - Greece - Aesop's Fables from the Junior Classics by William Patter
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse through the end.
The Iliad for Boys and Girls by Alfred J. Church through The Repentance of Agamemnon
Sunday Austin had a friend (Zac age 11) over. He went to church with us and stayed for the afternoon to play. On Monday afternoon Zac was here again for about an hour after school. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons Tristan age 12 was also here for a couple hours after school. Also on Thursday his friend Gabe age 10 was also here. His time with his friends included riding bikes, playing tag, caterpillar hunting, playstation games, computer games and whatever else it is boys do when they spend the afternoon having fun.
Independent Living Skills
Austin spent a lot of time this week in the kitchen. His job was to do any work on dinner that could be done ahead of time and then to empty the dishwasher from lunch. This gave him practice in keeping his workspace organized, following instructions, measurements, fractions including adding and multiplying since we often double or triple recipes, and thinking ahead.
He also had his daily chores to do as well as household assignments on his schedule that he has to read and complete during the time alloted for these activities.
Another of his daily activities is helping with the younger kids. This helps him to learn to understand the needs of others and to think about and understand how others may be feeling.
The Widow of Larkspur Inn (Book 1 of the Gresham Chronicles) by Lawana Blackwell - chapters 15 -19.
My Audio School
Ancients - Greece - Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin
George Washington and His Hatchet through Androclus and the Lion
On Wednesday evening Amanda's friend Holly age 11 was here for a couple hours after school. They went for a walk together, and played playstation games. Friday evening she spent the night with Arielle (13) and Sierra (10). Then Saturday they came over and spent the night with Amanda. They went on several walks, watched movies, played computer and playstation games and played with the younger kids.
Independent Living Skills
This week Amanda was in charge of making and serving lunch. Our lunches are usually simple - homemade lunchables, sandwiches, soup, fresh fruit and vegetables, etc. She also had her household work, chores, helping with the younger children and taking care of her pets.
She has also taken on two large projects. First she has been discovering the joys of paperwork by keeping up our USDA food program daily logs. She has to log which children were in attendance for each meal and the food served. She's doing a great job with this.
Her second large project is redecorating her room. At this point she is getting it ready to paint. The walls have been washed, most of the wallpaper border scraped from the top of the wall and the masking tape is on the woodwork. And she has done nearly all of the work herself. I'm hoping she can start painting this week.
Both Austin and Amanda had a great week and I'm very proud them.
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