Life is made up of many pieces, like a puzzle. Here I attempt to put them all together.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Making Progress in Creative Learning Environment Course

I was able to put in some time this morning working on my Creative Learning Environments class. I turned in two assignments.

The first assignment was to compare two different classroom layouts and identify which one was the most functional and why. The factors to consider were - clear boundaries between centers, ease of use for the children,and clear line of sight into all areas so teachers are able to adequately supervise, and no large spaces that would encourage children to run in the classroom.

The second assignment was to "Choose two learning centers and write one goal in two different areas of development."

Here is what I turned in for this assignment

Housekeeping Center
1. Children will demonstrate how to play cooperatively in a group, including sharing and taking turns.
2. The children will role play housekeeping activities they see adults performing around them daily

Block Center
1. Children will demonstrate eye hand coordination by building, stacking and lining up blocks.
2. Children will recognize the primary colors, correctly identifying the colors of the blocks.

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