Austin and Amanda - Fractions worksheet 20 problems
Austin and Amanda - Light Sources worksheet, also make lists of items that are transparent, translucent, or opaque.
Language Arts
Austin and Amanda - Choose three spelling words and use them in sentences, Proper nouns worksheet
Austin - Greek Myths - The Maze
Amanda - Chapter 3 from SOS Titanic by Eve Bunting
Social Studies
Amanda - Chapter 10 from The True Story of Christopher Columbus, Called the Great Admiral by Elbridge Streeter Brooks
Austin and Amanda - Psalm 77, Psalm 86, Psalm 91, Psalm 95:1-7
Austin and Amanda
Chapters 16 - 18 from Anne of Ingleside by L.M. Montgomery (read aloud by me)
Physical Education
Amanda - 30 minute walk
Austin - 45 minute walk
Preschool Fun
We read six stories today.
1.I Wonder. . .How Can Polar Bears Stay Warm in Cold Weather?
2. Baby Daisy's Walk
3. Baby Donald at the Playground
4. Are You My Mother by P. D. Eastman
5.Adam and Eve by Stephen Elkins
6. Noah's Ark by Stephen Elkins
We played with the mosaics set.
We played outside and did all the usual things - climb, jump, ride riding toys, slide, talk about the world around us.
At craft time we made a dinosaur (letter Dd).
Here he's showing off the dinosaurs he made yesterday and today.
We listened to instrumental music and some music on the 80's station while we cleaned the living room.
We played memory and talked about the animals on the cards.
This evening all three kids went to the Wednesday evening children's program at church. This is the first year Michael is old enough to go and he's loving it. Last year he got upset and cried every Wednesday evening when Doug and the other kids left and he had to stay home. I'm so happy for him (and me) that he gets to go this year.
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