We read the last two chapters of The Shack today. I was going to stop with one chapter but they were both begging me to finish the book so they could find out how it ended so we did.
We also read Hosea 10; 2 Chronicles 25:26-28, 26; and Amos 1-3.
They both did their chores and helped with the younger children.
This evening they went to the childrens/youth program at church.
Austin finished reading the chapter from Apostle to China: The Story of J. Hudson Taylor
During his time with me this afternoon he chose to play Go Fish. We call it "Mom Time." At one point we had a tie, so after that I had him calculate how many matches I had based on how many he finished with, using our tie numbers as a starting point.
He also added another design to his art blog.
His friend Tristan was here for a little while this afternoon and they spent most of that time outside. It was 63 degrees this afternoon and everyone had the urge to head outdoors.
He enjoyed playing Sid Meiers Pirates on the computer, as well as a few other computer games.
Austin finished listening to Peeps in Many Lands: Ancient Egypt by James Baikie and began listening to You are there!The Rise of Alexander the Great. I am so grateful for quality educational material that he can listen too. If he can hear it instead of trying to read it he retains the information so much better, and is able to enjoy learning as well.
Amanda read another chapter of The Cross and the Switchblade
She also updated her blog.
Her choice of activity for "Mom Time" was to play UNO.
This afternoon her friend Holly was here and they also spent most of their time outside. They played baseball (as well as they could with only a few people, Tristan and Austin played with them), and collected walnuts and tried to break them open on the concrete. I don't think that worked too well for them though.
While working on a flower made of perler beads for the display she is designing for the playroom, she also listened to two chapters of Peeps in Many Lands: Ancient Egypt. She doesn't enjoy these audio sessions as much as Austin does but she does remember what she's hearing and I try to make sure she has something to do that she does enjoy while she listens.
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